A downloadable game

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The smoke from the melting flesh of the sacrificial poor is an ecstatic drug of divine communion. Vengeant burning rains from the god of sea and sky, below and above, delivers its message: Their flesh is but a seal, and it will be broken. Slithering wings and scales take root under the cocoon of their skin and muscle. They will be reborn as winged serpents! This god's holy angels!

The cowards built a slum toward the heavens. To shield them from this rain. To insulate them from their sin.

The Sub-marin Sorcerers shattered Eylis City, the dark jewel of the undead flesh trade. It is the target of a bestial god's hatred and vengance. To walk these streets is to be cut deep, and bled dry...

THE COWARDS built ships of tormented flesh beneath the waves to escape their hubris!

They consumed a god's flesh for power.

dust for the Smokers

flesh for the Eaters

blood for the Drinkers

But gods are not held together by flesh as we are. They are simply held in check. They exist beyond human form, it exists in the smoke that rose to the heavens, and the bile and waste that fled through the sewers to the sea. This god of rage now controls Eylis City; the seas below and skies above.

Ash, a drug synthesized from the remnants of the undead, was but the vile beginning. Dead flesh holds power. Living flesh holds the same. God flesh holds something beyond.

The Sorcerous leaders turned on their people first, raising dark doctors to separate prisoners into dust, flesh, and blood. When the broken spirits of humans could no longer satisfy them, they set their addictious gaze on the divine; enraptured by unmcompromising anticipation...

The god rides the waves to utterly annihilate any and all ships that attempt escape of the island. It destroys all ships who stray too close. It drags their crews to shore. MORE BODIES!

Your ship was smashed by wave and storm. You are the unlucky survivors that washed up this apocalyptic shore. Priests scour the city streets, stopping their self-flaggelation only to preach to the shipwrecked masses of their god of peace and compassion. Serpentine Angel flit through the sky above. Doctors and more inhuman horrors litter the sewers.

Deep below, at the bottom of the sea where the god cannot yet reach, the dark sorcerous rulers of Eylis plan, feast, and dream in submarines of tormented flesh.

A sandbox city-crawl and dungeon-crawl adventure for Pirate Borg, taking place in a cursed city smote by a god, a flesh submarine, and holy island where daughters perform blasphemous rituals.


  • detailed maps for locations, including:
    • two tiers of an interconnected canal city
    • many different locations with unique encounters and loot
    • three dungeons, including a flesh submarine, and a mythic forest journey
  • a calendar detailing the day-to-day progression of events, NPCs and Eylis city's doom
  • different factions, including The Consumers, Priests, Necromancers, and more
  • new horrifying monsters
  • new items and equipment
  • tables for generating effects of for Eating, Drinking, and Smoking a god, and being transfigured by dark divine rain.
  • a list of rumors and advice to help your players choose their own paths

Burial Wrongs is an independent production by Matthew Andre. It is not affiliated with Limithron LLC. It is published under the PIRATE BORG Third Party License. PIRATE BORG is ©2022 Limithron LLC.

Burial Wrongs is an independent production by Matthew Andre and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License. MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.


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Solid atmosphere and story concept, cant wait to give this a go!

Thank you for the kind words! I'll definitely run it at some point in the future and we'll have a blast!